Wind Energy

As the most advanced offshore renewable sector, wind energy provides a number of challenges spanning new and innovate concept design through to optimisation of structures and systems that have now been operating in place for more than two decades.

For more on the individual services offered, click here

Offshore Floating Wind

The critical interplay of environmental wind, wave and current forces with those imposed by the operation of the wind turbine generators themselves on offshore floating wind energy units is fundamental to the design of the units and their mooring system.

Based on its specialised knowledge of mooring system design for offshore floating units, DWR is uniquely placed to ensure that its designs meet not only our clients’ requirements, but also accommodate likely future evolutions in the classification society codes, to allow for “future-proofing” in the designs.

Offshore Fixed Wind

With previous experience of working with some of the biggest names in fixed offshore wind, DWR’s technical personnel can provide a comprehensive design service for fixed wind platform monopile and jacket structures.

In addition, the company is developing innovative solutions for bolted flange connections between platform foundations and transition piece structures, maintaining high structural integrity whilst simplifying installation and improving inspectibility.
