Project management is offered by a large number of companies; especially the larger, multi-industry engineering design houses, who are now stepping more and more in to the renewables arena.
Project management is offered by a large number of companies; especially the larger, multi-industry engineering design houses, who are now stepping more and more in to the renewables arena.
However the implementation of this management by these large companies and the expediency with which it is delivered is often considerably lacking as a result of the onerous management structures inherent in such organisations. DWR’s directors have, both collaboratively and independently, been responsible for delivering very large projects in the high-pressure offshore energy sector. We have the benefit of understanding in great detail the ways in which communications between smaller companies and large engineering establishments directly affects the overall management of projects, and how this can be monitored and made more efficient.
Whether it be to add additional presence to an already existing management team, to provide on-demand consultancy advice to streamline management structures, or to provide complete management oversight for a project, DWR draws on considerable experience to provide your company with assistance in this fundamental area of project execution.